Tània - Finding peace with misophonia at home and work.

S5 E28 - 6/18/2022
In this episode, Tania, a translator living in Helsinki but originally from Barcelona, discusses her experiences with misophonia for the first time publicly. She shares how her condition went unnoticed and unsupported by her family, leading to mockery and aggressive behavior towards her coping mechanisms. Tania recalls her first trigger being the sound of her father drinking water, which rapidly escalated into a full-blown rage. Despite this, she is only triggered by family members and now her husband, with strangers not affecting her. Tania details the struggle of dining with her parents, how her reactions evolved over time, and how she manages her triggers at home and in public. She emphasizes the importance of understanding and support from parents to children with misophonia, warning of the traumatic effects of mockery and denial. Tania's husband is supportive and accommodates her needs, including her use of earplugs at home to cope with triggers. Additionally, Tania touches on her career as a translator and how it allows her to work from home, which is beneficial given her misophonia.


Adeel [0:00]: Welcome to the Misophonia Podcast. This is Season 5, Episode 28. My name's Adeel Ahmad, and I have Misophonia. Today I talk to Tanya, who is a translator based in Helsinki, Finland, but who grew up in Barcelona. This is the first time Tanya has talked to anyone else who has Misophonia. She was not in a sympathetic home growing up, and she's mocked and shamed to this day by her parents. We talk about those experiences, living in different countries, living with her partner now, and the message she has for parents that have children with misophonia. This is a short but powerful episode. A quick reminder, you can shoot me an email at helloatmissifunnypodcast.com about anything, or if you'd like to be on the show, you can hit me up on Instagram or Facebook at Missifunny Podcast. I want to thank all Patreon supporters, and if you feel like checking that out, you can go to patreon.com slash missifunnypodcast to read about all the different ways you can support, and actually the... Maybe the quickest and cheapest way to support it is just by leaving a quick review or rating. Wherever you listen to this show, anything helps bump the show up in the algorithms on the various platforms. All right, now let's get to my conversation with Tanya. Tanya, welcome to the podcast. Good to have you here.

Tania [1:25]: Thank you for having me here. It's very nice to be here.

Adeel [1:32]: Yeah. Do you want to kind of tell us kind of where are you located?

Tania [1:38]: Yes. Right now I'm living in Helsinki in Finland, but I grew up in Barcelona in Spain. Yeah. I've been here for 10 years.

Adeel [1:50]: Okay. And what do you do up there in Helsinki?

Tania [1:54]: So I just graduated from university with my master's degree. But right now I'm I'm working as a translator from home.

Adeel [2:05]: I'm mostly home all the time. Yeah. Is translation, being a translator, something you kind of went to school for, kind of want to make a career out of it, or it's just been kind of while you've been studying?

Tania [2:22]: It kind of goes both ways. So I studied Scandinavian languages, nothing to do with translation, but It just felt natural to me to translate from Finnish and Swedish to Katon. So, yeah.

Adeel [2:39]: And working from home, was it something that you were doing even before COVID?

Tania [2:48]: Yes. Yeah, I did.

Adeel [2:50]: Gotcha. And was it any chance to kind of a misophonia related decision to work from home?

Tania [2:59]: So I knew you would ask this. And I have to say, I don't know. There's no way to know it, maybe. But I also think it has to do with the fact that I'm an introvert. So maybe both things have something to do with it. I don't know.

Adeel [3:15]: Right. So it wasn't intentional.

Tania [3:18]: No. But I know I wouldn't be able to work in an office, for example.

Adeel [3:23]: Oh, have you had experiences in the past? you know what i can imagine yeah okay gotcha yeah you probably listened to enough of these these episodes to know that uh yeah it's uh can be kind of a disaster well i guess it also depends on kind of your co-workers as well sometimes they're they're very accommodating but uh Um, okay, great. And, uh, and, uh, how was, um, well, actually, maybe, yeah. Do you want to maybe go back to kind of, uh, life in Barcelona? Is that kind of where you started to, to notice misophonia symptoms growing up?

Tania [3:58]: Oh, yes. So I, I have to say I have no triggers when it comes with people. I don't know. I, the only people who trigger me are family. And then now my husband here in Finland, but, um, Strange just never triggered me except if it has something to do with, I don't know, chewing gum in class or something, you know, really rude. But yeah, so my first trigger was my dad. And I remember sometime when I was maybe eight years old, I think, I can't remember. I noticed, just noticed how... my dad made some weird noise when drinking water or anything. So I remember telling him, hey, it's interesting how you make this igloo, igloo sound when you drink. And he didn't really mind this comment, but I remember it went from simply noticing this sound to being in full rage within a few days.

Adeel [5:13]: Oh, really? Okay.

Tania [5:15]: Yeah. I don't know what happened, but I remember my dad noticed that something was wrong with me or that something was up. Yeah. So I remember that during the weekends, I used to wake up very early to watch some cartoons on TV. And this one morning, my dad... came with his breakfast, it was some milk and cereal. And I got up from sofa to go back to my room. And so he said, No, no, no, you have to stay with me until I've eaten. So then he ate his breakfast, I was forced to be next to him. And then when he was done eating, he said, Okay, now you can leave.

Adeel [6:06]: so was that was that just to kind of like spend time with you or was that to kind of like to force you to kind of uh take the sounds i'm curious do you know why it was forced me to take the song because he knew he knew i wanted to leave because he was going to it Yeah. Was it, it wasn't, it wasn't, it wasn't any like malice. Was it like, just kind of like, hey, maybe I'll, you know, maybe you'll get used to the sounds. Was that kind of the, you know, if that was kind of the reasoning or was it in fact a little bit kind of maybe torturing? I hate to say that.

Tania [6:47]: I don't know back then, but if I look at the entire history, even nowadays, they kind of, my parents mock me and tease me, so I think There might have been some malice when he forced me to stay with him.

Adeel [7:05]: So, gotcha. So, okay. So, you've obviously been suffering this for a long time. And the pattern has just kind of been not taking it seriously, obviously. No. Gotcha. Do you have siblings as well?

Tania [7:26]: No, I'm an only child.

Adeel [7:27]: Okay, gotcha. Did your mom start to trigger you as well? Like did the number of triggers start to expand?

Tania [7:35]: So that's interesting. My mom is the only one who doesn't trigger me. I don't know why. But as a child, I would eat lunch with my grandparents. And my grandma triggered me a little bit, not so much. But my grandpa used to slurp soup really loud. so i remember telling him to please stop doing that because i knew he was 65 at the time and i knew he was in full physical capacity to eat soup with manners but something that's interesting he got diagnosed with alzheimer's and parkinson's disease and when that happened the trigger went away because i knew he just couldn't stop making that sound

Adeel [8:26]: Interesting how your brain is able to turn triggers on and off a little bit more flexibly than I've heard in other situations. I mean, I'm sure this is not unheard of, but it's interesting. It's a little bit different than the norm. Obviously, a lot of overlap. with the norm um and and so your mom yeah wow your mom never triggered you okay and so so how did your parents start to react against growing up you said you know they weren't taking it seriously but uh were they both equally um uh dismissing it was it dismissal was it was it constant mockery it was both mockery and then also they reacted in a very aggressive way whenever so okay

Tania [9:19]: let's say we had we had dinner together and i would because i wasn't allowed to leave my reaction would be to leave so i wasn't allowed to do that so i would press my fingers in my ears and so my mom would grab my my arm and yell uh take your hands off your ears and that would happen every day many times a day so that that was a normal reaction for them so that's obviously

Adeel [9:49]: oh what kind of what what ages like how when did he just did it kind of start again like the usual eight years old yeah eight years old okay so how did you handle that i mean must have been emotional yeah it was really stressing i i just ate as fast as i could and then left but yeah so you had to but then you had to did you have to stay while they were eating too or or once you were done you were able to leave so when I was done I was able to leave okay yeah then I would be natural to just try to yeah eat as fast as you can did you try to yeah sorry no please tell me yeah you're saying something else no I was just going to say that I actually tried to eat crunchy food to sort of um compensate the sound so that's something i've heard many people do yeah it's um the mimicking is done yeah sometimes to kind of drown it out but most often the mimicking is done even even if you're not like uh, don't even have anything in your mouth just to kind of try to, um, copy what the other person is doing. Um, and there's been some recent research that kind of maybe explains how the mirror neurons, um, are involved in being overactive while we're overly triggered while we're seeing somebody chew. And somehow if we make the same motion that, um, it somehow helps us cope. It's early in the research there, but, um, yeah, but then straight up drowning out sounds with crunchiness is another way to go as well um did you how did you try to um i was gonna ask like did you ever try to articulate to them like hey it's it's uh i mean i know you did but i'm just curious if there if you tried um you know different ways to to explain to them that this is a real problem uh maybe trying to compare it to other

Tania [11:56]: uh mental health issues i don't know if those were even like taken seriously over in in spain so i i've never really tried i think it's because they they were so aggressive towards my my coping mechanisms that i didn't even dare say anything to them they they knew something was up but they they never asked they just they just assumed i wasn't natural so

Adeel [12:24]: And then growing, then as you got older, became a teenager, did that start to affect then? Is that what, you know, obviously you said you're starting to be more of an introvert. You know, there's also lots of other changes and things that can happen between, you know, parents and children as they're becoming teenagers. Like, how did that evolve? How did your misophony evolve as you got older and maybe more rebellious or just curious how that went when they're being so aggressive?

Tania [12:54]: uh it got worse i had many more triggers and then my my reactions would be also more i would just sometimes i would i would just take my my plate and go to my room to eat and they knew that there was no point telling me to stay yeah because at some point they can't force you right no you're not eating your result forever so gotcha

Adeel [13:21]: was there any um so what were the consequences of that in terms of like did you get punished did you just was there just kind of a rift within the house we just had a really bad relationship and we're still doing nowadays because of that yeah yeah gotcha okay um you mean do you talk to them at all in general or uh yeah i do and and i always thought the same during christmas so yeah

Tania [13:49]: with my husband, which is interesting because whenever I'm with them alone, or before going to Spain with my husband during Christmas, I was used to do my normal coping mechanisms, but then with my husband, it was awkward to behave the same way. So I had to come up with new stuff. And now whenever we eat, all together I have foam earplugs which they don't know about but my husband and I do and that's been a lifesaver because they think I'm well but the truth is that I've just found something that really helps I'll be in the table without having to do without having to leave or having to put my fingers on my ears

Adeel [14:47]: Right. Right. So, yeah, so you could do the same. You could do those things, maybe, if it's just you and your parents. But it gets a bit weird when you run off and your husband's alone and your parents have something for every meal. So did you see your husband also wears phone plugs at the table?

Tania [15:06]: No, not my husband. But he knows about my misophonia. So he knows that I'm always wearing either AirPods or... phone earplugs. Sorry, phone earplugs.

Adeel [15:21]: Yeah, right. Gotcha. Okay. So yeah, so you Yeah, you, I guess, you know, you do the standard family stuff with your parents, but then it's not like, there's probably too much baggage and history and resentment, maybe to kind of like to really, I don't know, get very, you know, suit that close, basically, is what you're saying.

Tania [15:44]: What do you mean?

Adeel [15:46]: uh you know um there's some distance between your parents and yourself like it's um you do that you do the kind of the holiday stuff but it's it's um the kind of history that you know of all that you know all the reactions um have kind of taken a toll it sounds like on the relationship a little bit it has taken a toll but at the same time it's kind of you know hidden

Tania [16:11]: under the carpet. No one talks about it.

Adeel [16:13]: Everyone presents.

Tania [16:14]: Everything's fine.

Adeel [16:16]: I see. I see. Okay. Gotcha. And then I guess when you left probably to go to college, well, actually, how was it affecting you in school? You said it was kind of very selective with your family members. Did it affect you at school at all as you were growing up?

Tania [16:34]: No. No, no, not at school. Not with my classmates.

Adeel [16:39]: And not in college either?

Tania [16:42]: Uh, if someone was chewing gum in any lecture or maybe typing with a computer.

Adeel [16:49]: Right. You said it's only the strangers don't bother you at all, but have any like close friends and stuff kind of maybe, you know, bothered you or maybe you just kind of. No, not at all. Okay. Okay. Interesting.

Tania [17:03]: Just people I live with.

Adeel [17:05]: Okay. Yeah.

Tania [17:08]: Which is sad.

Adeel [17:10]: yeah so then your your husband's it was it like when you met him obviously you're not being triggered but when did it start there when you when you signed the lease to your house or yeah when we moved in yeah maybe uh two or three months in after moving in so we started realizing there were some triggers yeah right so how did that go down then was it uh Were you like, Oh no. And then did you have to tell him, did you tell him right away or just kind of try to hide it as much as possible?

Tania [17:43]: Um, at first I thought, so I was afraid this would happen. I thought, I thought it wouldn't, but then it happens. And I was just like, well, that's my life. Um, but then I, I didn't tell him anything for a while, but then once, so he, he, Whenever we are in bed, maybe watching something, and his face is really close to mine, when he swallows, he makes a really loud noise. So I used to imitate the sound. And so this went on for two years, maybe. And at one point he asked me, so why do you swallow right after I swallow?

Adeel [18:27]: He asked you that out of the blue.

Tania [18:30]: Yeah, so I had to tell him, of course. And now he knows that I need to wear earplugs and, yeah.

Adeel [18:41]: What was his reaction? Like, what the hell did I get myself into? Or was it just like, oh, okay, sure. Do what you need to do.

Tania [18:51]: He was just like, well, I know you're a little bit weird. So he wasn't surprised at all.

Adeel [18:59]: Okay, well, that sounds, yeah, that sounds... be a lot worse that sounds pretty good if you if you'd be able to kind of like help you help accommodate you um to do kind of simple things i mean just kind of wearing plugs and uh airpods once in a while um is it is but is it also the visual trigger that's part of it for you like do you get a lot of the visual triggers yeah yeah

Tania [19:31]: Yeah, they started when I was maybe 15 or 16, much later. Yeah. Gotcha.

Adeel [19:38]: Okay. And so I guess, yeah, dated, like, in your house now, you know, how are some of the ways that you get by living at your house? It's just your husband, right? You don't have any kids?

Tania [19:58]: No kids. No, not yet.

Adeel [19:59]: Gotcha. Okay. Okay. Um, so yeah, is it, is you, is you kind of your coping mechanisms day to day, um, kind of stuff in your ears, whether it's plugs or, or earbuds?

Tania [20:11]: Yeah, basically. And also he, he works from home as well. So, uh, we are together every day, all day. So yeah, I need to do something about it. I need to have something on my ears.

Adeel [20:26]: Gotcha.

Tania [20:27]: Especially when, when we, otherwise it's fine.

Adeel [20:30]: yeah and then when you're out in the world doing whatever groceries or shopping or or um go to movies and well movies are a different story sometimes but uh it's uh you're generally not triggered right because those are strangers yeah exactly yeah and it's all human sounds like human human sounds people you live with like it's not like uh um uh machine generated sounds or natural sounds or animals that that bother you

Tania [20:57]: Okay, so so here's the thing, I think I have both misophonia and then sound sensitivity. So, for example, let's say someone's using one of those what are they called leaf blowers? You know, yeah, so it's annoying, but it doesn't trigger me. And if, if I have to choose between someone eating and listening to the leaf blowers, then I prefer the leaf flowers, but of course it's annoying to have them all day long outside.

Adeel [21:33]: Right.

Tania [21:33]: Yeah.

Adeel [21:35]: Yeah, leaf flowers definitely come up a lot and there's a wide spectrum from annoying to like full-on rage with those things. Okay. And have you noticed any difference living in, I guess not really, if you're not really triggered as much by the outdoors, but any difference between like Finland and Spain in terms of your triggers or maybe even just kind of like people's ability to understand sound sensitivities?

Tania [22:11]: I think the main difference would be that people in Finland are okay if you want to be or spend time alone or they are okay understanding

Adeel [22:25]: um things related to mental health and i guess being that far up north yeah being that far up north i think there's more uh darkness a long time and yeah there's uh probably i think more potential mental health issues being isolated and in the cold and up north in the dark um a lot of that a lot of the year um interesting okay and uh yeah i mean now that you've kind of graduated um have you thought about kind of what you want to do going forward um and have you thought about like the effects of kind of misophonia potentially on like um the type of work that you want to do because you know in some cases when you're when you're in full on in a career it is it can be kind of like a marriage and you're living with these people that you're working with so um just yeah there's some things that maybe think about so you you mean if if my job is uh okay for me yeah yeah what's like kind of like your dream because you i guess you're kind of starting um you know you're starting relatively early in your career i'm wondering if you've um if you have career dreams that may be influenced at all by misophonia. Obviously, you're not going to be a leaf blower. But yeah, if you want to be remote permanently and if you want to veer towards certain careers versus others.

Tania [24:09]: I think... The career path I'm right now, so working as a translator is good for me. I can work from home. The only thing is that I would like to have my own office room.

Adeel [24:24]: In the house, yeah.

Tania [24:25]: Yeah. But that's all. I don't think I would improve anything, actually.

Adeel [24:35]: Do you ever have to listen to audio of people talking to the translation? Or is it just all text translation? Because I have heard of some people needing to do translations, but then they have to listen to people talking, and sometimes that can be a trigger.

Tania [24:52]: So I do both text translation, but also I do movie subtitles But it doesn't bother me at all.

Adeel [25:03]: Ah, okay. That's good. Again, probably, you know, there are strangers on the screen. Yeah. Interesting. Okay, okay. And have you thought about, you know, seeing a professional, maybe, you know, considering therapy for misophonia or any of the kind of related issues, or you feel like it's...

Tania [25:28]: relatively manageable if it's um you know limited to people that you live with uh i thought about um you you seeking help because um as well as misophonia i was also diagnosed some years ago with ocd um but it's not if if if i were to seek help it's not only because i i have misophonia but also I feel like I have some kind of trauma from my past with my parents, which I have to heal.

Adeel [26:06]: And is the trauma primarily all that the aggressive nature with which they treated your misophonia or were there any kind of other issues as well?

Tania [26:17]: Yeah, exactly. The fact that they treated me so aggressively because of my misophonia. Yeah.

Adeel [26:24]: And before they did that, it must have been just totally idyllic childhood? There wasn't really any other issues going on or stresses?

Tania [26:35]: No, not that I remember of. I think the working was fine, yeah.

Adeel [26:39]: Yeah, and you're all living in the same place. I mean, did you move around a lot, Earl? Or it's just like this totally normal house kind of growing up. You were born, started to go to school, birthdays, all the usual stuff, nothing.

Tania [26:53]: Yeah, everything was normal.

Adeel [26:55]: Yeah. Interesting. And then there's that, it was the drinking water, right? That within a few days. things happen. Did you, do you remember also if, do you know if, looking back at your parents, if they ever exhibited any misophonia? Because sometimes I hear of people seeing it in their own parents and maybe it being some weird way of, they're just kind of reacting in a weird way because maybe they don't understand their own issues.

Tania [27:32]: Maybe my mom, my mom would react quite angrily at something my grandpa did just this one specific sound and something i found interesting is that she so so i once i asked so why why do you get to react angrily at this sound but then something like um covering my ears is a no-no to you when when my dad makes some sound So that's something they find really interesting that she would yell at my grandpa for making some sounds at them. Something so innocent of covering my ears. I wasn't shouting at them or anything. Oh, it was really bad to them.

Adeel [28:21]: Yeah, what did she say? I'm very curious.

Tania [28:26]: Oh, nothing. She would just pretend that I didn't ask anything.

Adeel [28:31]: Oh, you should pretend like you didn't say anything. But you did actually ask and you were just trying to dismiss.

Tania [28:39]: Yeah.

Adeel [28:39]: Wow. Yeah, that's really an interesting tidbit there. Maybe she has some issue, although it doesn't explain anything about your dad's behavior. But yeah, very interesting. When did you find out that it had a name, that it's a real thing?

Tania [29:02]: uh in 2014 yeah i was i i googled um i hate the sound of people eating or something like that yeah yeah yeah and how did that feel good because i thought i thought it was the only one right right right right have you have you since then um um you know have you met any other misophones uh either online or in person Oh, no, this is actually the first time I'm talking to someone who also has misophonia. And I just realized right now.

Adeel [29:40]: Yeah.

Tania [29:40]: It feels really weird. Yeah.

Adeel [29:42]: Yeah. Well, you're not the only one. It's you who's come on and said that they're, yeah, this is the first time they've talked about it out loud. You know, well, you know, outside of obviously your family. And so, yeah, I hope you meet more people because I think... um you know us coping us talking about it and honestly joking about it laughing about it is is a way to kind of uh uh to help cope and um and so yeah i hope this helps and uh um yeah i hope maybe you can find other people in scandinavia and uh finland that that might also have i'm sure there are so um yeah that's that's really interesting um yeah well i guess um maybe we're getting, you know, maybe 40, 45 minutes into it. Do you, anything else you kind of want to share with people about your experience growing up and now with Pistophonia? This is, yeah, first time you talked about it, but now you have this big audience of people who honestly a lot are probably like you, listening, never talked about it.

Tania [30:54]: So mostly my goal today was to sort of like set an example on how not to behave if your child has misophonia. I really hope if some parent who's listening this has a child with misophonia can learn that it's not our fault. If the child is misbehaving, it's not because they are an asshole. They might have some issues.

Adeel [31:27]: um yeah i i hope i hope that with this i can i can help children in some way absolutely i don't know yeah i don't i can tell you absolutely um that's this is a big issue this is a big question that comes up with um parents who have kids um parents who might want to have kids and don't know um if they'll get it or if they'll also if they'll trigger the parent um so this is gonna help a lot and it's a very strong warning to people uh well strongly strongly suggesting to people to please take it seriously because the um it's just cruel and the effects that it will have on a child is is traumatic and no no child should have to um deal with what you know what what you went through. So you had to deal with that. Did you ever have do you have cousins as well? I know you didn't have brothers or sisters. I'm curious if you had anyone your age in your family.

Tania [32:26]: I was the older the oldest cousin. Yeah. But they did not trigger me.

Adeel [32:33]: Gotcha. Okay. Yeah. And you were never kind of like, did they know that you had sensitivities?

Tania [32:43]: My cousin? yeah no no okay so you kept it pretty well hidden and it was just um yeah what you kind of dealt with at home with your parents yeah now that i think of it maybe maybe they did that i had some sensitivity because i remember whenever whenever there was some bigger family gathering because i i felt ashamed covering my ears my mom would always Yeah, making sure everyone's here. Okay, so now you're not covering your ears. And then, and then everyone would think, Okay, what was that about? So?

Adeel [33:24]: Oh, yeah, I was gonna ask, maybe a little bit.

Tania [33:27]: I don't know.

Adeel [33:28]: Yeah. Yeah, that was gonna be my next question was like, you know, in a larger family gathering, did your parents try to? Well, did your parents tell anybody about it? Or make a scene about it? So they would do your mom would say, would point out that you're covering your ears or kind of laugh when you're not covering your ears.

Tania [33:48]: Exactly. She would point out that I was not covering my ears.

Adeel [33:52]: So it's not just when you were being triggered, it's when you were just trying to be normal and she would make, make a joke about it. Oh no, that's, yeah, that's terrible. Um, it's, yeah, you, you kind of touched on, I mean, what a lot of us feel is a lot of shame and embarrassment because we often are just, we're just kind of, we don't need to, I mean, even without our parents mocking us, we're just kind of confused ourselves. Um, um, I don't want to dwell on it, but that must have just been just super ashamed. I mean, you must have felt super ashamed and guilty, maybe, or just ashamed, more maybe so, about what you were going through, constantly being embarrassed.

Tania [34:42]: Yeah, they made me feel ashamed, but at the same time, I knew. So I think they thought i or at least my dad thought i hated him maybe he he thought okay if he if he hates the way i eat that's because he hates me so so that made so his own insecurities maybe made him react in that aggressive way.

Adeel [35:11]: It's just kind of weird because everything was so normal before eight. It would be weird as a dad to just be kind of like, oh, suddenly my daughter hates me over one little thing. That's a weird jump to make. But yeah, it's someone who mocks kids about their own kid about sound sensitivities. I'm not going to try to predict what they think. But were they otherwise, like, I mean, caring parents? Like, obviously, took care of you. Was it just this one thing that would just kind of always be between, the wedge between you two?

Tania [35:53]: I would say they were caring, but also they were also aggressive in many other ways. So they always had this non-assertive aggressive way of communicating not only regarding misophonia but just other things were they kind of very strict parents maybe or uh um tough on you in school i think they were but nowadays they claim they weren't so i remember last last christmas i i was telling them how i felt when they when let's say I didn't do as well as they hoped in an exam at school so they were really mad at me and I got headaches from their madness in a way and I was telling them that it felt really bad and their reply was oh but we didn't really care about your grades so

Adeel [36:57]: Okay.

Tania [36:58]: Yeah.

Adeel [36:59]: Denial. Yeah. Kind of in denial. Interesting. Yeah. It seems to be like a pattern of just kind of wanting to hide stuff and be in denial.

Tania [37:08]: Maybe. Yeah.

Adeel [37:10]: Did you have any other outlets, like artistic outlets? I'm just curious if you just kind of like retreated within yourself or whether, you know, maybe it came out and did you do any writing or art to kind of try to express how you're feeling?

Tania [37:26]: I used to play the piano on the guitar and I used to try to make some songs, but no, not really.

Adeel [37:37]: So did you ever write any songs specifically maybe about misophonia or just kind of like... No, no, no.

Tania [37:45]: Yeah.

Adeel [37:46]: No, no, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Interesting. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, well, great. Yeah, Tanya. Yeah, it's been fascinating. I'm glad you're not your child self anymore. And hopefully now you're more independent and have more agency to kind of have more experience now and are able to kind of manage it a bit better, even though your husband's triggering you. But hopefully you're able to manage that. Any kind of last words that you want to share? Your message to parents is super important. I feel like I want to frame that.

Tania [38:26]: Yeah, especially my message is basically to parents to be able to understand their children. I would just like to say thank you to you for doing this podcast. It's been really interesting hearing what other people have to say. um and and through that i have also learned about my own misophonia so i think it's really it's really important that we all share our story and then uh we can learn more about ourselves yeah i agree it's it's powerful for me to hear these stories the past powerful for for everyone and um yeah i'm glad that yeah i mean i'm just humbled and glad that you know someone who

Adeel [39:15]: Once what you went through was able to come on and talk about it for the first time. I mean, that means everything right there. So thank you. And yeah, thanks again for coming on.

Tania [39:27]: Thank you.

Adeel [39:28]: Thank you, Tanya. Again, really glad you shared your story and humbled to give you an audience for really important messages here. If you liked this episode, don't forget to leave a quick review or just hit the five stars wherever you listen to this podcast. You can hit me up by email at hellomissappointingpodcast or go to the website at missappointingpodcast.com. It's even easier to just send a message on Instagram. at Mr. Funny Podcast, or on Facebook, on Twitter, we're Mr. Funny Show. Don't forget you can support the show financially by visiting Patreon at patreon.com slash mrfunnypodcast. Theme music, as always, is by Moby. And until next week, wishing you peace and quiet.

Unknown Speaker [40:36]: Bye.